Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Per Purpose: Heil Progress (Bedroom Suck Records)

Per Purpose are one of those groups who aren't necessarily looking to re-invent the wheel, but their tunes are still able to provide a fresh sucker punch all the same. EP opener 'On Purpose' literally fires the first shot as the ramshackle shamble blows through the speaker and drummer Joe Alexander's kick sounds like it's literally going to land itself through the wall right into you. Vocalist Glan Schenau treats his voice like an after thought as he churns out Wire-esque chords while at moments his Mark E. Smith inspired annunciation - so full of piss and vinegar that the fermentation practically oozes all over each track - threatens to teeter off of the edge. This characteristic of the group's dynamic is demonstrated perfectly on the A side's final declaration 'Right To Green' - a less than 100 seconds long number where bassist Harry Byrne's four strings can barely hold together the loose train wreck of his band mates - though try as he might with his frantic playing, he certainly sounds as if he's doing his best!

'Fullerton Viewing' opens the B Side and gives off the air of vintage Fire Engines with a snare drum that can barely keep up while Schenau's vocal sneer continues to preside over the melee as king all the while. 'That's Respite' and 'Corner 'o The Gage' content themselves with burning out at slower and slower paces - though with a sound like Per Purpose is cultivating, don't mistake that for mellowing. The thrash and caterwaul of the final numbers act as compelling argument that this EP is proof of a band getting on their feet and finding their disheveled place and certainly, I can't wait to hear more!

Hear Fullerton Viewing on Sound Cloud now and go pick up a copy of the 7" along with their latest 12" "Implicating More Than One" over at Bedroom Suck.

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